Thursday, March 13, 2008

Genesis 1,2 * Matthew 1 * Psalm 1

Genesis 1, 2 Reflections

I have read the "creation" story many times before. I have also been a part of many discussions with people of different faiths and people who are of no faith at all about the creation story. I realize how difficult it may be for someone in the 21st century to pick up the Bible, turn to Genesis 1 verse 1, read it and not be astonished at how much it plays out like a well written fictional story line. But as I read it this time, I had to try my hardest to bring myself back to the time in history when traditions and folklore were transmitted orally. Now, for any other fellow Christian who reads this, and reads me write folklore, probably think I am criticizing the bible as a myth or tale, but that is not my intent at all. The American Heritage Dictionary states the definition of folklore as; 1. The traditional
BELIEFS, myths, TALES, and PRACTICES of a people, transmitted orally. The definition of Folklore is all encompassing of a peoples beliefs, myths, tales and practices , be it based on fact or fiction. We need to realize that a lot of the stories that are told in the beginning of the Bible, were beliefs, practices, and tales that people orally presented to their clan or children to keep the history of our current faith and their beliefs and practices alive. As I read the creation story again, I thought about how beautiful of a story has been told for us about why we exist and how we have come into existence. We live in a time where people want to see scientific reasoning behind how the Earth was created. I realize more and more how different we like to have information fed to us today as opposed to how people wanted information fed to them in the time when history and science were told orally. I look at the creation story now as an explanation of how God used science to create the Heavens and the Earth. At a time when science was probably not known as science, this was the way individuals would explain, poetically, how the Heavens and the Earth were created. It was their form of science, only it is presented in a poetic format as opposed to a step by step list.

Questions to follow-up on:

Genesis 1:2
2...And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Q - Is the same spirit that becomes the Holy Spirit we are introduced to in our faith?

Genesis 1:27 - 28
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Q - I noticed how these versus in Genesis 1 speak about man and female being created. I know I am a little ahead of myself here with this question, but I know that Genesis 2 relates the story of how man Adam and woman Eve were created. How can Genesis 1 speak of the creation of man and woman when in Genesis 2 we see another story, yet a unique and different story, of how man and woman were created?

Q - Is this a different story or view point told by a different source? Is this an elaboration of the story told in Genesis 1?

Matthew 1 Reflections

How scared would you be today, if an angel came and spoke to you. What an awesome experience! Through prayer and meditation, I truly believe, I have had the privilege to hold a relationship with God, and I feel he has talked to me and I have talked to him. But, I have never had the opportunity or the experience of an angel physically standing in front of me or coming to me in a dream, calling me by name and telling me to do something. I have not had the experience of being tested to my max by God. Here is the first occurrence of the trial and tribulation that Jesus has in coming into existence. As humans, we have a hard time relying on each other to do important, and yet sometimes mundane, tasks. Here, God shows His love for us and His faith in us as His creation, humans, to bring His son into this world. What a great, yet hectic start to my journey through the New Testament.

Psalm 1 Reflections
1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

I had a conversation today with a fellow friend about the separation of Church and State. An argument that continuously comes up among Christians and non-Christians alike. I can not help but be leery of how we insert our beliefs and faith into our governmental law. Don't get me wrong, I am a man of "the law of the Lord." I personally do not believe in things like abortion or the death penalty. Because of my faith, I would never participate in anything I feel would infringe upon my faith. Still, I was not put onto this Earth by God to judge my fellow man if they choose to do those things. If you choose to make decisions that I believe are incorrect or I believe are unlawful in the eyes of God, it is not I who will judge you in the end. In fact, every person will come under God's judgement, regardless if you believe you lived a truthful and law abiding life. I've heard it said once, "
What angers us about others? Consider this carefully, since in the answer may be a clue to our secret sin." I do not even know how we will be judged in the end, God does. Like Adam and Eve, we are given free will to do what we would like on this Earth. If you choose to take the route Adam did with his free will, and walk in the counsel of sin and sit in the seat of the scornful, you run the risk of not standing in the congregation of the righteous. But, if you choose to delight in the law of the LORD, and incorporate the law in everything you do, in the words of Psalm 1:3, ...he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Do not rely upon our government or expect our government to make rules and laws based upon the Law of the LORD. But make sure the decisions you make, the rules you follow, and the laws you abide by, follow the path of the law of the LORD.

Questions to follow up on:
Q - Is there any place in the Bible, where it is stated, to make the laws of this Earth based upon the laws of the LORD?

- Through thought, word and deed, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will be You Lord God and Your son Jesus Christ...Amen

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