Friday, October 22, 2010

Comfortable Christian

What does it mean to be comfortable? Comfortable is defined on as: 1. producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease 2. being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contended and undisturbed 3. more than adequate or sufficient. To be comfortable, I always think of surrounding myself with things that are familiar to me. I try not to introduce anything new or put myself in a situation where I might not fit the status quo.

What does it then mean to be a Comfortable Christian? In reading Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God, a Comfortable Christian could be described as a Lukewarm Christian. A Lukewarm Christian or Comfortable Christian praises God, reads their Bible, and goes to church in ways that have become halfhearted. As a Comfortable Christian, you surround yourself or only take part in things that are familiar to you. Put yourself in situations that you know are not going to ruffle feathers or put a strain on your already hectic schedule.

When thinking of the word comfortable, I was reminded of a story a friend at work told me once. It was a cold day in Minnesota, which already zaps you of any energy you may have. It had been a long day at work, and my friend was both physically and mentally exhausted. When my friend got on the bus, he went and sat in his favorite spot. In the winter, it was the back seat where the engine warms the seat and adds the extra bit of warmth that the struggling heaters cannot produce. His ride was only a forty-five minute ride, so he put his feet up on the seat in front of him, laid his head back, and got as comfortable and cozy as he could in his favorite spot. After a while, my friend stirred from his sleep and took a quick look around. To his surprise, he had been so comfortable and resting so well, he had missed his stop. When he woke up, he was not over twelve miles away from his stop and still headed in the wrong direction. He had missed out on his opportunity to be at home, and now had to wait until the bus made its way back towards his bus stop.

I was reminded of this story as I contemplated the word Comfortable. I realized that I have moved from a God thirsty and stoked Christian in the past few years to a Comfortable Christian. I used to seek out ways to learn the History, Context, and Historical People surrounding the Word of God. I used to get excited to sit down and imagine talking with Jesus Christ in prayer. Feeling his hands placed on my shoulders as I confessed my faith, sins, and temptations to God and His son. I evolved into surrounding myself with familiarity to the point that things that were new and fresh ended up being comfortable. I stopped reading the Word of God as aggressively, because I already was moved and new enough to be a Christian, I had become comfortable with where I was in my faith. My faith in the past few years can be reflected in my friend's story. I now seek out only those things that are not going to stress me, and only do what I think is enough.

To have this transparency in my faith laid out before me today scares me. As a loving witness to what God can do and as an active disciple of Jesus Christ, I have become a Comfortable Christian in thinking that I already know more than the next person, so I will be ok. It scares me that if I continue to stay to be a Comfortable Christian, like my friend on the bus, I might miss the most important stop of my life. It is time as a Christian that I become less comfortable, otherwise I might fall asleep and miss out on the opportunity to get off at the right spot. Unlike my friend that had the benefit of taking the bus until it came back around to his bus stop, as a Christian, I have only one opportunity and one chance to get off where I need to...Heaven with God and His son Jesus Christ.

Dear Heavenly Father, Help me to become less comfortable as a Christian. Inspire your word in me and help me to get off my earthly pedestal and look to you for guidance in my faith. I humble myself in front of your feet, and ask you to speak through my heart once again.

Through thought, word, and deed, I will be You God and Your son Jesus Christ...AMEN

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