I have been in a Christian book reading kick lately, and have found out that there are authors out there that really get it. Those Christians that are actively looking for words of encouragement, only have to go as far as the bible to get it. But, we also know that the Spirit can work through the words of fellow Christians, and God can use that median to bring his message to us in a way that feels Good. As I am reading these books, God speaks to me in ways that feel like I am at a protesting rally. For the longest time, I just have not felt right in how I was approaching my Spirituality, and it has been because of how fake I have sounded in trying to talk about Christ. I spent more time trying to explain what my faith was to people and why it is right instead of living it out, and speaking from my soul. I've decided that in this hectic world, God gives us tidbits of Truth that we tend to forget. Wisdom, that if remembered, could change decisions we make that do not reflect our Christian Spirituality. It is time to capture your thoughts...share them if you feel they are coming from your heart in conversation with God.
Theology for the Day: When I try to control my happiness in regards to driving our my human "destiny," I run the risk of playing the "keep up with the Jones's" game. This leads to a type of Selfishness that satisfies the hunger for my earthly wants and desires, but leaves a gaping hole in the hunger built in my soul.
Help me to leave my destiny in your hands. Help me to always look at my actions and ask the question, "Am I doing this for the glory of You?" or "Am I doing this for the glory of myself." I open my heart to your touch. I open my heart to your truth. Speak your words to me, and I will listen.
Through thought, word, and deed I will be You Lord Jesus Christ...AMEN!
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