Thursday, April 7, 2011

3 Modern Day Wise Men?

I have seen myself being influenced the past couple of weeks by 3 sources. 1. The book of James. Although there is speculation as to who actually wrote the book of James, it is a worth while daily devotional to skim through the 6 chapters. A person that is extremely busy can afford 10 minutes of their day to be brought back to earth a little bit. 2. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Not only did our Theology on Tap group just talk about this book, but I was lucky enough to find it in the midst of my ever growing library collection. If this book has found the ever growing dust in your constant strife to keep up with your reading, trying makeing it a priority, it is a worth while read. 3 The Comfortable Pew by Pierre Berton. It has a preface that tells us that this is for the Anglican Church of Canada, but please, don't think that these problems are not far reaching to all of our denominations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The reason I mention the above three books is, I have seen a constant theme between 3 different perspectives on Religion and Christianity. For the sake of helping define what I mean between Religion vs. Christianity, I will take a second to explain my views on the 2. Religion is the set of dogmatic and theological differences that make up our ever increasing denominations. Christianity is the belief in Christ and that He was the Son of God sent down to die for us and our sins. Although simple definitions and whole books could be written about the two, those are my brief defintions as I stand. The book of James perspective is based on the teachings of the early church in the view of either James himself (the originally doubting brother of Jesus Christ) or at least a complilation of teachings from churches that James shepard to. Regardless of it's background, it is from the perspective of a Christian mind. The book, Mere Christianity, is from the mind of an individual that was an Athiest and explains how Christianity made more logical sense than anything else in his life. This being from the perspective of a once non-believer. The third book is from the perspective of a successful writer that no longer practices his Religious beliefs. The book was written in 1964, so he might have started up his practicing, but for the sake of his perspective at that time, it was a critisism from an outsider. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 different views from 3 different perspectives, with one outlining message to me as I read them. If we find ourselves as Christians feeling that we are better than our so called enemies, be it people that theologically think differently, atheists, Jews, Muslims, Gays, etc., and base our critsism on our self described Christian standards, we have only to look in the mirror and see our only true enemy...Pride. Perfection has only been perfected once, maybe twice depending on how you look at it, and that is God and the begetting of his Son Jesus Christ. We must remind ourselves that if as Christians we ask what James and John did in asking Jesus if they could sit on the left and right hand of him, we should be ashamed of thinking we have exalted ourselves to that deserving privilage. Do not look down upon your brothers and sisters, and I don't mean just your brothers and sisters in Christ, look up at them and allow your Pride to fall from your eyes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear heavenly Father, Open our eyes to the humility that has been spoken by You to us for centuries. Help us to drive pride from our hearts and to kick out the petistal of our Christian Hierarchy and focus on being actionable Christians to your word. Through thought, word, and deed, I will be You Lord Jesus Christ...AMEN!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Theology for the Day

I have been in a Christian book reading kick lately, and have found out that there are authors out there that really get it. Those Christians that are actively looking for words of encouragement, only have to go as far as the bible to get it. But, we also know that the Spirit can work through the words of fellow Christians, and God can use that median to bring his message to us in a way that feels Good. As I am reading these books, God speaks to me in ways that feel like I am at a protesting rally. For the longest time, I just have not felt right in how I was approaching my Spirituality, and it has been because of how fake I have sounded in trying to talk about Christ. I spent more time trying to explain what my faith was to people and why it is right instead of living it out, and speaking from my soul. I've decided that in this hectic world, God gives us tidbits of Truth that we tend to forget. Wisdom, that if remembered, could change decisions we make that do not reflect our Christian Spirituality. It is time to capture your thoughts...share them if you feel they are coming from your heart in conversation with God.

Theology for the Day: When I try to control my happiness in regards to driving our my human "destiny," I run the risk of playing the "keep up with the Jones's" game. This leads to a type of Selfishness that satisfies the hunger for my earthly wants and desires, but leaves a gaping hole in the hunger built in my soul.

Help me to leave my destiny in your hands. Help me to always look at my actions and ask the question, "Am I doing this for the glory of You?" or "Am I doing this for the glory of myself." I open my heart to your touch. I open my heart to your truth. Speak your words to me, and I will listen.

Through thought, word, and deed I will be You Lord Jesus Christ...AMEN!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Own Psalms

To all -

Have you ever read Psalms, and felt moved to write your own? I have found writing poetry about God our Father and His son Jesus Christ to help open avenues to helping me explain why I believe what I believe. The words add color to a black and white world that is in my head and lends appreciation to the relationship I have with God. Below are a few of my latest spiritual poems. Glory, Power, and Love to our God.

I'm Awake I'm Alive by Joshua Gamradt
I look up and cry with no sound
My soul arises from the cold ground
The new life I'll lead I'm homeward bound
The lights I've sought I've finally found
With arms wide and our hearts near
No longer dead inside, nothing to fear
My life is His I no longer steer
No longer blind, but one of His seers
I'm Awake, I'm Awake, I'm Alive
The years have passed, but finally Alive
Death does not linger, My birthday with Christ
I'm Awake, I'm Awake, I'm Alive
My life has past, my family has grown
Death has finally reached, but I'm now born
Future not bleak and no longer forlorn
An aura of light are the cloths I adorn
The knowledge is real, no longer a door
I do not eat with the rich, but those who were poor
Money...possessions, no longer a need for
My heart has stopped, but my soul now soars
I finally see you, My God...My Christ, Your hug is endearing, the tears in Your Eyes, My friend my father, Your infinity is now shared, I'm Awake, I'm Awake, I'm Alive
A Walk with God by Joshua Gamradt
Grace is close...It finds me
Chains are gone...that bound me
My prayers are real...they're for You
My mind is clear...I love You
My crown not gold, My story foretold, My love unfolds, My passion behold, your souls not sold, your freedom I stowed
I ask this eyes closed
I'm by myself...You and me
My body falls...prostrate before You
My mind made follow You
My clothes are cast, the time has past, My life won't last, it's coming on fast, My body harassed, My love is steadfast
It is faith and binds me
Forgive me my sins...I plead You
Grab my hand...and guide me
I'm wholly yours...please take me
My life for you, Gentile and Jew, the road is for few, just follow My clues, arms spread out for you, your life now anew
Ray of Hope by Joshua Gamradt
Don't cry and you will see, don't doubt His love
It sprouts like a spring, He guides you faithfully
Don't cry out loud, "What's in it for me?"
In His house of grace, we are all one family
Raise your voices, hold your hands up high
For in belief you live forever, and you never will die
The true god lies in our heart, He shines in the palest sky
In our tears He's in every drop, with His feet He wipes our eyes
Don't fail to jump on, it is a maginficent ride
He guides us with passion, into the never ending starry sky
Read his words, look to others to live them too
Although ancient, meant for young and old, know they were meant for you
Dear Heavenly Father,
Open our hearts and voices to sing our praises to you. Help us to look deep inside our hearts to find the passion that exists with inside of us. Guide us in our lives to express our feelings about You to those who don't know You. Help us to keep the faith on this long/short road we call life, so that we can stick to this path for few and enjoy our new birth with you, once the time has come.
Through thought, word, and deed, I will be you Lord Jesus Christ...AMEN!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Something New in Cain and Abel

Ok, like everyone else, I have read the Cain and Abel story a million times. Maybe not a million times, but you get the picture. The story holds some significance, being that it is the first murder recorded in the bible. It shows the continuation of sin and man. It shows that one must be willing to give his best to God. You can pull most of these messages out of the story of Cain and Able, but to get them out, you pretty much have to juice it out just like you would a lemon or orange. They are not messages that when looking at the story are in black and white, so the story of Cain and Abel never had an incredible influence on me.....until now.

Like I said, I have read this story a million times, but Genesis 4:6-7 were words that struck my soul cord and inspired me to write yet another blog today, 2 in one day, can you believe it? Cain and Abel had just presented God with their offerings and God had pretty much shown Cain he was not to happy with what he had to give. Pouting in the corner, God comes in and says the following to Cain;

Genesis 4:6-7 6 The the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.

In this truly Old Testament style story, there exists a few lines that strike a true resemblance to words spoken by God's son Jesus Christ in the New Testament. When some compare Old vs. New, they do not see the shared identities of both Father and Son. Check out a few of these versus from the New Testament that speak to doing right and you will be accepted.

- Matthew 5:19 19 Anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but who ever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

- Romans 2:6 - 10 6 God "will repay everyone according to what they have done." 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 9 There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentiles; 10 but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

- 2 John 1:6 6 And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it.

The words of Father and Son are just as relevant when spoken by God in the Old Testament or spoken by Jesus Christ in the new. Keep your eyes pealed, and you too will see the likeness of God and His son Jesus Christ written down in our most Holy Bible.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your words extend through the ages. Relevancy can be found in whatever we read in Your words. I asked that you fill my heart and soul with your love. That you make Your words transparent for me. That you can present to me a connection like this shows that you can be found everywhere in this Holy text. Truly, truly, truly...thanks to You oh' God.

Through thought, word, and deed, I will be You Lord Jesus Christ - AMEN!

The Power of a Small Group

There are times in my life where I have felt like the lonely soul that questions God in the poem called Footprints In the Sand, "...but I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints when I needed you most."

I have also come to realize that it is not only the feeling of God's Spirit we miss in times of need, but the physical companionship of a person who shares that same friendship and relationship with God. I have been fortunate enough to be a part of a small group that was formed approximately 4 months ago. I think the term small group doesn't really encompass the deeper relationships that have formed between this group. It may be a small group in numbers, but a large group in Spiritual Growth.

After a trying week, a week where God has fallen from your mind, which makes snapping back to your Christian reality a little difficult, meeting with people who share in the same faith is both an uplifting and helpful experience in getting back on track. I was reading Romans 1:11-12, and these versus encompass what I believe each person feels about in our small group, and why we keep getting together every week to talk about God and His son Jesus Christ. Romans 1:11-12 11 I long to see you so that I may impart to you some Spritual gift to make you strong- 12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.

Each one of us is gifted in how we interpret God's word and can speak about our relationship with Christ. Each of us can bring a different point of view on how to apply God's word to our everyday life and missgivings. Reach out to each of your friends and create this relationship. Hold dear those people that you can meet with everyday to encourage you in your life. You may go through hardships, but remember, "...the times when you have only seen one set of footprints, is when I [Jesus Christ] carried you." It is also those relationships that God puts in your life to lift you when you look for His physical companionship too.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to thank you for the relationships that you put in my life. Thank you for the friendships you have helped me establish, and the sharing in faith that is common among all of us. I ask that you continue to foster in me a bright light. That you compel our small group to uplift each other in times of need and be honest in our faith, that we may grow to know you better and encourage each other through our faith.

Through thought, word, and deed, I will be you Lord Jesus Christ - Amen