Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Oh Good for Me

The Man in the Mirror | Chapters 16 | Pride | A humble man does not look down on others. He can be both proud and humble at the same time—proud of himself without comparison to others and humble by not thinking of himself more highly than he ought.” – Patrick M. Morley
scrip·ture | Philippians 2:3-4 3Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 
de·vo·tion | Have you ever been inspired by the Spirit? Inspired to the point that the words that come out of your mouth are not your words at all. Words that have such wisdom in them, you know they could not be of your own? Have you been in the position where after a conversation with someone about Christ or faith or God, the individual has been so moved, they come up to you afterwards and wholeheartedly thank you for that inspiration? The pride you feel in that moment is so overwhelming. The accomplishment is so tangible that your heart is overwhelmed with belonging and purpose. I have had these moments, actually, I continue to have these moment…”Oh good for me”, right?

I am not saying this so you see in me a Spiritual advisor looking for adoration. I am not saying this so you remember to come up to me and thank me. I am saying this, because I am confessing that in my heart of hearts, I actually want that, but it is that way of thinking that feeds my personal pride that I constantly battle with when trying to emulate the character of Christ. We are all called to live out the character of God, to love, do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, to live our life in humility and obedience. Jesus Christ, born a human, being of God and God yet chose to humble himself to the point of being exposed to the desires, emotions, and fleshly outcome we all face. Christ came into this world and became a king. Yet, not a king that exposed himself through flashy clothes or trumpets to announce his presence. He represented humbleness to the point of death. Humbleness to the point of taking no credit of the grace and blessings that had already being given to His people. Credit that was so richly deserved that Christ should have been praised while he walked this earth, praised in a way where his face was splashed on Billboards and his signature sought after, because his inspiring word has more depth than any 10 step help book. Yet, Christ did not seek that type of publicity, in fact, he always tended to avoid it. After many of his miracles, he asks that they tell no one. In his ministry, he did not seek to be glorified as king nor does he admit that he is God all too often.

“All glory to God our Father and Jesus Christ”, a message missing from my repertoire and vocabulary post a Spirit filled conversations. In many ways, we need validation as humans that what we have said or done in the name of Christ is inspiring. This validates in some way that we are abiding in what God asks of us. God knows that we need some form of praise as humans to move forward in our journey, a form of feedback that lets us know we are not off our rocker, and that what we are saying and doing is Spirit led. We must remember in those times to not dwell on the pride that comes with that validation or praise, but to thank and give praise to God for His inspiration. A lesson I must learn and live by.  I need to remember that it is gifts from God and the Spirit that provide me the ability to say and do things on His behalf. That he has put all of you on this earth to hold me accountable to living out the Word of God. That through your feedback, praise, and adoration, it keeps me motivated to keep living my life in the direction set before me in Christ. That I must also check my pride at the door and respond with a thank you, but also with “All glory to God our Father and Jesus Christ”. It is in for the honor of the Father we live in His son Jesus Christ.

prayer | LORD, I come to you with thanks and adoration.  I come to you with love and thankfulness.  I realize that I do not always abide in you even when I say and do what you ask of me.  That I seek praise and adoration for myself, and that my pride gets in the way of accepting praise for your Spirit filled words and wisdom.  I also thank you for giving me the feedback through the friends and peers that you surround me with.  Help me to keep that in mind when I stand in front and lead others on Your behalf.  Help me to honor you in all that I say and do.  That you break down the walls I surround myself with in selfishness and that I take a page out of Your Book and humble myself to the point of kneeling before you and confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that all that I say and do is to the glory of God the Father.

Daily Alone Time with God |
Chapter of the Week | Proverbs 11

Mon·day | Galatians 6:4 4But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.
Tues·day | James 4:6 6But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
Wednes·day | Jeremiah 9:23 23Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches,

Thurs·day | Philippians 2:3 3Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Fri·day | Proverbs 11:2 2When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

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