Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bait and Switch

As a Men's Group at Grace Fellowship Church, we are reading a book called The Man in the Mirror; Solving the 24 Problems Men Face.  I was asked and given the privilege to write short devotionals based on what I see in each chapter.  Below is my first devotional for Chapter 1.  If you feel moved, buy the book, follow along, add your thoughts and comments.  God's peace my friends - Shua

The Man in the Mirror | Chapter 1: The Rat Race | “The rat race boils down to the conflict between who we are created to be and who we are tempted to be.” – Patrick M. Morley

de·vo·tion·al | When I was a kid, I remember looking through this magazine and coming across this advertisement for a flying machine.  I saw the advertisement and I couldn’t believe that for $2.50 I could have my very own flying machine.  The picture was of a little boy sitting on this machine hovering in the air, and the little boy had such a big smile on his face.
So, I did what any other little boy would do when they wanted something, I went to my parents and borrowed $2.50 so I could get my very own flying machine.  I remember after I sent the money in the mail, actually having dreams where my parents would be upset with me and I would quickly run outside, get onto my flying machine, spend a few hours up in the air while they let off steam, and coming down later.  Oh man, I could not wait until I got my flying machine.
The day finally came, I got a letter in the mail, which I was sure was going to provide a time and place for me to pick up my flying machine.  When I ripped open the parcel, I found inside an instruction pamphlet on what I would need to build my own flying machine…bait and switch on a seven year old is not cool.
How many of you today feel like you paid the $2.50 to be happy in this life, but as you opened the parcel of life, have found out that the happiness of this world was not what it is advertised to be?  Spend some time today in God’s Word and praying to the Father about having Him fill you with what the joy of life is meant to be.  As you read The Rat Race, keep your hearts and ears opened to what the Spirit is trying to point out to you.
scrip·ture | 2 Corinthians 11:3 But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. (NIV)
prayer | Heavenly Father, every day I am faced with the temptations the devil places in front of me.  I am faced with fulfilling a short term happiness only to give up a long term home with You.  I ask You Lord to lend me Your Spirit in driving these temptations from my mind.  That as I seek Your Face, the fleshly temptations of this world die and that I pursue the eternal salvation You have offered to me, which I know is the true meaning of my earthly and spiritual happiness.  Amen

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