Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Genesis 31,32,33,34 * Matthew 10:24-42 * Psalm 10:1-11

Genesis 31, 32, 33, 34 Reflections
In reading Genesis 31 - 34, we are shown a few stories where Jacob is faced with some significant conflict.  His father in law rises up and catches Jacob in mount Gilead, Jacob then flees and has to pass through the land of his brother Esau.  With all that Jacob did in order to receive the birthright and blessing from Isaac, anyone could see why Jacob was scared of what his brother Esau might do to him.  Out of all that I read, Genesis 31:52 - 53 stands out to me.    Genesis 31:52 - 53 52 This heap be witness, and this pillar be witness, that I will not pass over this heap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm. 53 The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge betwixt us. And Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac.  In the day of when there probably was not to many legal contracts signed and people went by oath or given word alone, I can not help but notice the power that the name of God had with many people.  The blessings, wonders, miracles, and dreams experienced in earlier chapters and versus build up the reputation of God.  When we look at the chapters we read for today, there are some major and significant things happening on Jacobs journey.  Yet, we notice, like his relatives before him, Jacob does not use the name of God lightly.  It is used as an oath, but not just any oath, a very serious oath.  It seems that today, the name of God has been stretched out to be used in anything we do.  We use the word of God to swear by when we speak in front of our courts.  We all know how sacred most people take that particular oath.  God's name has made it into mainstream society as a way to damn something or someone.  There was a time in history when God's name was so sacred, only the holy of holy people were allowed to say it.  I sometimes thing the looseness we have taken in using God's name for everything, we have lost the power and wonderment that it holds.  So, the next time we find ourselves using God's name, take a step back and assess your reasoning and understand whom stands behind that name and what stands behind that name.

Matthew 10:24 - 42 Reflections
Matthew 10:32 - 33 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.  I have often found myself whispering to others my faith and Christianity.  Now, I know God asks that we be meek and not showy in our faith, but my whispering was not done because I didn't want people to feel uncomfortable, or a way for me to be more meek.  I found myself whispering, because for some weird reason, I feel bad that I am Christian.  I sit in my cube at work, and lower my voice, not wanting all the "popular" people to hear me.  What is wrong with me?  I say this now, raise your voices, be meek in your faith, but do not hide behind a whisper.  We have been called to be fishers of men.  People do not tend to hear a whisper.  Confess your faith to all who will listen.  Speak in volume, and who knows, one of those "popular" people might ask for more from you.  Confess your faith to God, because he likes to hear it, even if He already knows it.  I pray the next time I am approached about my faith, I take heed to Jesus words in Matthew 10:38 - 40 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.  40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.  Our faith and beliefs should not be a cross we sadly bear, it is a cross we should gladly pick up.  We should not stand behind our cross, we should stand under it.  Explore your faith and open your heart.  If you lose your life, be it figuratively or real, we must remember that the life we lose here on earth in the name of God and his son Jesus Christ, is a life we gain eternally.  May peace and blessing find us all on our cross bearing journey.

Psalm 10:1-11 Reflections
After reading the first part of this Psalm, I must try to identify if I have some of those characteristics in which are listed and attempt to strike them from my life.  Granted, this should not be a difficult task, for my faith in God and his son are strong.  These characteristics listed in Psalm 10, are far from the perfect characteristics found in Matthew 5.  Dear God, I ask that you fill me with your Spirit.  Take hold of my life and guide me down the path of perfection in your eyes.  Take away all the sinful temptations in my life and wash them from my eyes and heart.  Use my life as a purifier of the hearts and minds to my brothers and sisters of this world.  Fill me with your knowledge, so that I may be a disciple of you and your son.

- Through thought, word, and deed, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will be you Lord God and your son Jesus Christ...Amen

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